Thank you from all of us for all you do!
5 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
best sts thank you justin davidson
Our 2nd graders found a "class pet" this morning.
5 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Our 6th graders finished reading the book "Boy" by Ronald Dahl. To celebrate, the 6th grade teachers hosted minute to win it games based on what they learned (and even dressed up according to Dahl's book characters!).
5 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Colts 200 Club! We reached 200 Cool Colts and had a donut celebration during recess on Thursday. We have the best students ever!
5 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
We love our Tuesdays as we hold our Lunch with the Principal. Our 4th and 5th grade teachers selected students who are great examples in their class. We are lucky to have such great students here at Snow Horse!
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Lunch 3
We are excited for our students to have received 150 Cool Colts for being awesome! We are almost to 200!
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
cool colts
Once a week, a group of students are selected to have lunch with the principal. It was fun to eat and get to know some of our 1st, 3rd and 6th graders.
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
6th grade
3rd Grade
1st grade
Safety and Ribbon Week will be September 23-27th. There will be more information to come.
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Safety and ribbon week September 23-27
Thank you substitute teachers!
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Thank you substitute teachers
There will be no school this coming Monday, September 2nd.
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
No School September 2, 2024
We had a great time with our 6th Grade and kindergarten Book Buddies!
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
6th grade
6th grade 1
6th grade 2
Congrats to Mrs Mason's class for earning 10 stars! They earn stars by having school staff see and award awesome behavior. Great job!
6 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Congrats to Mrs Mason’s class for earning 10 stars! They earn stars by showing good behavior that is recognized by someone not from their class!
The Snow Horse Community Council will be accepting votes for this year's Community Council. Please see the form to participate in this election.
7 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
school community council elections
community council elections flyer
As the 2024-25 school begins, here is a flyer with a QR code t help you plan.
7 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Playground mats service project 4:00 - 5:00 PM
9 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
playground mats
Sixth Grade Graduation - May 22. 2:00 - 3:30 PM
10 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
sixth grade graduation
Annual 6th Grade verses Faculty kickball game.
10 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
boys at game
Kindergarten graduation on May 23rd at 10:00 am
10 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
kindergarten graduation
Welcome to our new principal, Dr. Jenne Talbot. Welcome to Annette Rushforth, our new assistant principal.
10 months ago, Snow Horse Elementary
Dr. Jenne Talbot
Annette Rushforth